Eating Animals, Harmonic Convergence, and Deep Ponderings, Part Uno

24 May

eating animals

Real chickens have beaks and can walk on their own. I haven't always eaten real chickens. Have you? (Please click on photo for credit).

I am ever so sorry that I’ve been away for almost two weeks.  It is ridiculously undisciplined and selfish of me to be absent for so long, and I apologize.  But friends, I have been Digesting some reading material that was so meaty that it has taken awhile for my Super Enzymes to break it down and assimilate it.  And I’m pretty sure I’ll never be quite the same.

Warning The following could be construed as Presumptuous and Daringly Sacrilegious.  Please do not consider it so. This is really the only metaphor I can use to illustrate the profundity of this personal Sea Change.

Remember in the Bible when everyone was supposed to get taxed and had to go to their birth cities to Pay Up?  And then Mary had a Baby, and all of a sudden, there were Angels and Heavenly Hosts and Night Winds Talking to Little Lambs and visiting shepherds and other such Excitement because her wee bairn was The Savior?  Well, people talked, of course.

But Mary, rather than helping to spread the word, mulled quietly over all that she’d recently learned and pondered it in her heart.  Not because she wasn’t moved or humbled by the goings on, and certainly not because she didn’t believe it, but because she was trying to reconcile her new reality with her old reality.

All of a sudden, she wasn’t the shamed pregnant-before-married girl.  She was the Mother of God.  That’s a big leap, and while the holiest of honors, it would also be a bit disconcerting, to say the least.  I can almost hear her:  Am I good enough?  Can I deal with this?  Can Joseph hang with this?  With me?  Do I really deserve this, and what will happen to this child?

Well, on a much less holy scale, I’ve been pondering just like Mary.  And the ponder I’ve been pondering has made me look at food in a whole new way. As you guys may or may not know, The Beloved and I try very hard to buy humanely raised animals and animal products whenever we can.  Even though that has been the goal for quite a long time, often it was just plain easier to stop at McDonald’s or Burger King or some other fast food place to grab a bite on a road trip.  We’d always thanked the poor little factory farm-raised animal for giving its life and apologized for its having a pretty bad life.  That’s how we were able to justify these trips.

Pretty feeble, right?  We were okay with that feeble-tude, but a few things have transpired recently in sort of a mini Harmonic Convergence that render our weak justifications completely indefensible.

Thing #1:  I read Jonathan Safran Foer’s book, Eating Animals.  Ultimately what his book does is to make a case for veganism.  But recognizing that eating patterns run the gamut from Oblivious Omnivore to Ascetic Vegan, it also makes the case for if-you-must-eat-meat-eat-happy-meat.  One concept that struck me is the one of eating animals that had “a happy life and a quick death.”

We all have to decide for ourselves what we can live with as a “happy life” and a “quick death.”  We should be able to articulate how much, if any, animal suffering is acceptable to us.  For some of us, no amount of animal suffering is justified since we have an abundance of food choices these days. Others of us can live with eating animals who were allowed to live relatively stress-free lives.  Some of us might even say that someone has to eat those poor factory farmed animals or they will have died in vain so it might as well be me.

Regardless, we all should know where our food comes from.  If we eat meat and animal products bought in most regular grocery stores, we should eat it mindfully, knowing how it was raised and how it was treated.  And once we know, we can decide if we can live with it.

Another quote that is still resonating in my wee brain a couple of weeks after finishing Eating Animals is that (and this is a paraphrase) any time we spend money on protein–be it meat, poultry or fish–we are farming by proxy.  That means that ultimately, buying a Chik-Fil-A Sammich is a vote in favor of the way Chik-Fil-A  chickens are raised and killed.

If we choose to eat animals, I think we can all agree that we eat them after they’ve lived for awhile and then are dead.  And that means that someone has raise them and then kill them.  If we choose to buy the On-Special Chicken at Wal-Mart or someplace, we’re saying Yes! to one way of raising and killing animals.  If we choose to spend extra money to purchase humanely raised, grass fed beef, we’re saying Yes! to what is generally a very different way of raising and killing animals. I think most of us would agree that we would like to say Yes! to the latter.

But here’s the kicker.  When we say Yes! to one, we’re automatically saying No! to the other.  There’s only so much money that folks spend on food, and if they’re spending it on inexpensive factory farmed meats, they’re not spending it on boutique farm/ranch-raised meats.  If the demand is for cheap meat, that is what will be supplied.  If the demand is for meat from humanely treated animals, then that is what will be supplied.

I bet that if a research group surveyed 1000 people regarding which they’d prefer, antibiotic and hormone-free happy animals that were compassionately raised and killed or ‘Roid Rage animals from factory farms, the overwhelming majority would opt for the former.   I also bet that when those same 1000 people next go to the store, the overwhelming majority would opt to spend less and buy the factory farmed meat.  Actions speak more loudly than words, and 1000 well-intentioned folks just unconsciously said Yes! to factory farming and No! to a more expensive, more humane approach.

Since The Beloved and I are not Big & Rich, we have to think very carefully about how we spend our money.  About what our money supports.  I think of our dollars as votes.  Votes for or against certain business practices; votes for or against certain political views.  We have decided that we can eat meat if we can know that the animals who died to provide it had room to roam and be themselves while they were alive, that they were raised free of prophylactic antibiotics and hormones, and that they were compassionately slaughtered.  No, I don’t think that’s an oxymoron.  That’s why rabbis oversee kosher slaughterhouses.

Anyway, since eating in accordance with what we find acceptable (and the definition of acceptable is a personal one) is Expensive, we will just eat less meat.  In our view, less meat of better quality is more acceptable to us than more meat of lesser quality.  Especially in light of the fact that poultry consumption in the US has gone from 30.3lbs/year in 1978 to 58.8lbs/year in 2008.  Corporate farms are here to feed the demand for cheap protein, and people are lining up in droves to support it.  And why? I choose to believe it is a combination of being ignorant of the realities of factory farming coupled with astute marketing on the part of “Big Farma.”  We choose not to continue to support them with our dollars/votes.

Who is still buying their gas from BP as oil continues to spew, barely checked, into the Gulf of Mexico?  Who stopped buying Exxon gas after the Valdez disaster in 1989?  If we can use our pocketbooks to express our outrage against these corporations, why do we hesitate to do the same against corporate farms?  I’m not trying to push any sort of Eating Agenda on you guys.  I am trying to push education, though.  Be aware of where your food comes from.  Be aware of how it was raised.  Eat consciously.  Eat conscientiously.

And that is all I have to say for now.  Join me tomorrow for Thing #2 in our Harmonic Convergence.  And I absolutely want to hear your thoughts.  I’m not sure, even after all the Maryesque pondering, that I’ve been able to really express this new truth we are trying to live, but if I’ve sparked a conversation, I’d love to continue it down in the comments.  Thanks, guys.

14 Responses to “Eating Animals, Harmonic Convergence, and Deep Ponderings, Part Uno”

  1. Christin May 24, 2010 at 3:43 pm #

    I just had the same discussion with my friend last night. I had seen the movie Food Inc. which talks about the chicken farm industry, which also included an excerpt of one of the big companies suing Oprah. Interestingly enough, but not totally surprising, Oprah won. You might want to watch Food Inc. There are plenty of other practices out there that are not very “kosher.” It has changed the way I think about the soy & corn industry. Raising of cattle, as well as chickens. I am starting to consciously make decisions leaning towards organic foods. And everytime the cashier scans my item, I am putting in my vote for more of that product to be manufactured. I am hoping more ppl will “vote” for non-GMO foods, organics & humanely treated animals for their dinner tonight. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I love your site!

    • onlinepastrychef May 24, 2010 at 3:58 pm #

      Amen! It is comforting and validating to know that many people think this way and “spend their conscience.”

  2. Holli May 24, 2010 at 3:55 pm #

    I love this post! This issue has become a passion of mine over the last several months…The ethics and politics of eating and of buying what we’re eating is a way that each and every one of us can voice our opinions every single day. That’s just plain cool, don’t you think? Eating Animals was the book that put me over the edge in this respect. It’s one of the most well-written, smart books I’ve read on the subject. Me, well, as you know, I’ve chosen vegetarianism and I couldn’t be happier with my choice but the point is to choose consciously. You make that point wonderfully my dear!

    • onlinepastrychef May 24, 2010 at 3:57 pm #

      Thanks, Holli! You were one of the people I thought of when I was writing this. I don’t want to tell people what to do or impose my values on them. I just want us all to Think and to Know where our food comes from.

  3. Maninas May 24, 2010 at 4:13 pm #

    Beautifully written, and well thought out argument. I always buy free range, and often buy organic. I will now try to buy organic more often.

    • onlinepastrychef May 24, 2010 at 4:31 pm #

      Thanks, Maninas. I still feel like the main points haven’t quite crystallized w/me. It’s like I’m waiting for the plaster to harden up, if you know what I mean. 🙂 I think one of my main points is that every dollar you give towards humanely raised meats is a dollar taken away from factory farming. So, every organic/humane/local purchase is a victory!

  4. Jacqueline Church May 24, 2010 at 5:10 pm #

    Beautifully done. I really applaud your sharing this and I think the metaphor is fine. I always want to be challening myself toward greater honesty and I firmly believe in transparency and authenticity. It’s why I know at some point, I’m going to have to go participate in a slaughter or go hunting. I accept the contradiction of being kind to animals, loving them and eating them. And I accept others’ who may draw a different line and disagree with mine. But, I’m always questioning myself. Trying to take baby steps forward and I’m very glad to have found a Tweeting/blogging friend who shares this passion.

    • onlinepastrychef May 24, 2010 at 9:46 pm #

      I agree, Jacqueline! I’m not trying to convert anyone to a particular way of eating–it’s a very personal decision. The closest I’ve gotten to a hunt is cooking and honoring the first deer that our 11-year-old neighbor shot w/his dad. It’s an imperative, to me anyway, to prepare such food with respect and love.

  5. Daily Spud May 24, 2010 at 6:40 pm #

    So many of us so little realise that shopping for food is a political act. And it’s not just about the quality of food that we end up consuming, but also about the food producers and the environment in which our food (both animal and vegetable) is raised. I’m happy about my choice to (mostly) not eat meat and I’d like to think that I make mostly responsible choices, though I do slip into the ‘I’ll get this ‘cos it’s cheaper’ mode at times too. It can be a tricky path to navigate at times.

    Have you read Nina Planck’s book (Real Food, What to Eat and Why) ? That certainly changed my perspective on some of the choices I make about what I buy and eat.

    • onlinepastrychef May 24, 2010 at 6:45 pm #

      Thanks for the recommendation, DS. Since we’re just starting out along this path, I certainly need all the information I can get my hands on. By the way, my neighbors just harvested some wee red skinned and white skinned spuds. I made a quick potato salad and it was Divine. I thought of you. 🙂

      • Daily Spud May 25, 2010 at 6:47 am #

        Ah lovely, fresh spuds straight from the ground – now that’s what I call eating locally!

  6. Megan Hull May 24, 2010 at 9:18 pm #

    What a wonderful post! This is an issue that is dear to my heart as we try to eat as locally and humanely as we can. We recently saw Food Inc. as well and it really sparked a lot of great thought and conversation at our house.

    I’m looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on this subject!

    • onlinepastrychef May 24, 2010 at 9:44 pm #

      We didn’t see Food, Inc, but we saw the brilliant but disturbing Our Daily Bread. More and more, we find ourselves visiting and revisiting this subject. I’m not sure I will ever have final thoughts, but I’m not shy about sharing the thoughts that come up. 😉


  1. Taste Carolina. Thanks; Don’t Mind If I Do. « Pastry Methods and Techniques - July 14, 2010

    […] of you might know, I started to change the way I thought about food.  Interested in that?  Read this or this.  Otherwise, keep going.   I was a little concerned that I might not be able to sample […]

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